Finding Hope In The New Year

Marilyn O'MalleyUncategorizedLeave a Comment

Finding hope in the new year
The Warriors of the Rainbow Prophecy by Anna Martinez
I remember my mother laughing at the question when she was asked at age 84 what her goals were for the New Year. She replied, “To live!” Many people on our precious Mother Earth would respond with the same answer but for other reasons than old age. They are focused on survival due to war, devastating climate change, health issues, and the list goes on. Yet, there is hope! Indigenous Peoples hold promising solutions for these challenging times.
Produced by Barbara Savage
Indigenous Peoples who live in secluded corners of the world persevere by holding on to their ancient earth honoring traditions … their secret to survival. We need to listen to these wisdom keepers and consider how the rest of the world can benefit from their insights by adapting Indigenous practices and values to Western ideas. Together, we can raise global consciousness to heal ourselves and our planet. Please join the Tribal Trust by making a commitment to learn and share Indigenous wisdom in support of nature and global healing!
San Children by Moritz Espen
It’s a new fiscal year for the Tribal Trust Foundation. Our Board of Directors is gathering on sacred Native ground at El Capitan Canyon in California for a strategic planning retreat to review our budget, evaluate programs, and consider new initiatives for our future. During our retreat, we will also reflect on our growth over the past twenty-five years and review the impact we have had as a primarily volunteer organization working in reciprocity with our Indigenous partners. Time is of the essence to preserve traditional Indigenous culture around the world before they disappear forever. We serve as messengers between worlds–connecting Indigenous Peoples’ priority needs to those who can financially support these unique projects.
Mother & Child by Roberta Marroquín
Your continued support is critical and enables the Tribal Trust Foundation to respond to requests for funding and strategic alignments. We depend on your donations and grants to carry out our work. Please support the Tribal Trust today and tomorrow.
We are forever grateful for your continued support!


Barbara Savage
Founder & Executive Director
Tribal Trust Foundation

The Tribal Trust Foundation is located in the unceded homelands of the Chumash People and the Seminole Tribe of Florida. By recognizing these communities, we attempt to honor their legacies, their lives, and descendants. To learn more about the Indigenous People’s land on which your home or work sits, visit:

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