New Beginnings After 25 Years

Marilyn O'MalleyBoard Members, Earth Day, MButi, Newsletter, WisdomLeave a Comment

Bundjalung Dreaming by Aboriginal Artist Steven Bekue
The time is ripe! After twenty-five years in existence, the Tribal Trust Foundation (TTF) is positioned to play a significant and increased role in the Indigenous peoples’ nonprofit ecosystem. We fill a niche and a gap: a bridge builder that serves two roles; first by providing Indigenous support, while at the same time, introducing Indigenous wisdom to a larger audience.

We at the Tribal Trust Foundation are enthusiastically embracing the need for change by expanding the TTF Board. We feel it’s time to engage more young women who have the skill set, capacity, and passion to support our mission. Our newest board member, Alexandria Piccinini-Wilton, exemplifies TTF’s vision. She is in the process of establishing a private foundation focused on intersectional environmentalism with a goal of improving the lives of marginalized peoples. We welcome Alexandria to our board and look forward to working with her!

Alexandria Piccinini-Wilton
The Tribal Trust Foundation Board also recognizes it is time for a change in leadership. As the Founder of the Tribal Trust Foundation and Executive Director, it is an honor to serve as a respectful ally to our indigenous partners and to share their knowledge and wisdom with you in support of Nature and each other. It is also a responsibility to know when to step down so others, who are more capable to lead our organization into the future, can step up. Therefore, we are excited to be seeking a new Executive Director. Because our work is based on “tribal trust,” trusted relationships will need to be developed with the new Director and our indigenous partners. I will remain very involved as I lead the on-boarding and training process, which could take a couple of years. If you are interested in applying for this position or would like to recommend a candidate, please email me.
Mbuti man by Molly Feltner, Democratic Republic of the Congo
All human beings are descendants of tribal people who were spiritually alive, intimately in love with the natural world, children of Mother Earth. When we were tribal people, we knew who we were, we knew where we were, and we knew our purpose. This sacred perception of reality remains alive and well in our genetic memory. We carry it inside of us, usually in a dusty box in the mind’s attic, but it is accessible.~ John Trudell 
Native American author, musician, rights activist, poet & actor

TTF & One Thread Collective
Art Cisneros & Barbara Savage
TRIBAL TRUST LEGACY SOCIETYYour investment in the TTF’s future empowers Indigenous peoples and helps ensure their cultural preservation for generations to come.


Pledging an estate gift of any size to TTF is a powerful way to further our mission beyond your lifetime.

Please join our TTF Legacy Society today. #HalfMyDAF

Thank you for being a member of our community and for your humility and awareness that we need to learn from Indigenous people to reawaken our genetic memory of being children of Mother Earth.

In Gratitude,


Barbara Savage
Founder & Executive Director
Tribal Trust Foundation

The Tribal Trust Foundation is located in the unceded homelands of the Chumash People and the Seminole Tribe of Florida. By recognizing these communities, we attempt to honor their legacies, their lives, and descendants. To learn more about the Indigenous People’s land on which your home or work sits, visit:

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