Join Us For A Gathering At The Cosmic Fire 2024 Summit

Marilyn O'MalleyEducational webinar, Event, Newletter, save the date, WisdomLeave a Comment

I am delighted to welcome you to join me and the wonderful team at Shamans Directory for the Gathering At The Cosmic Fire Summit 2024 from October 7 to 11, featuring 40+ honored shamanic earth-based healers, teachers, and wisdom keepers who have devoted their lives to preserving and protecting the wisdom and medicine of the world’s living lineages for our and future generations. You will hear the teachings and traditions that are most important to them, each with their own unique beauty, and learn why their wisdom and medicine ways may be our most valuable natural resource.

I am pleased to be one of the featured speakers around the Cosmic Fire, and the topic I will share about is “Tribal Trust, Indigenous Wisdom, Medicine for Body Mind and Spirit”. Please view the full lineup of speakers below!  

The Gathering At The Cosmic Fire Summit 2024 is brought to you by Shamans Directory, an online global platform dedicated to bringing shamanic earth-based services to the world’s doorstep. People across the world are increasingly seeking to heal their hearts and souls. While the timing is right for shamanic earth-based wisdom to be revitalized and shared, at Shamans Directory they are dedicated to ensuring that the origins, the medicine people, and the communities who have preserved these traditions for thousands of years are honored. Their inherent and valuable guidance is allowing us all to awaken. It is through their generosity that we are being given the courage and the opportunity to choose a better, more kind, more sustainable way forward.

You are invited to attend this timely and valuable shamanic earth-based Summit (October 7-11) for FREE by clicking here.

You will emerge from the Gathering At The Cosmic Fire Summit 2024 with inspiring teachings and practices to support the next steps on the path of your awakening!

You definitely don’t want to miss this! I look forward to sharing this exciting event with you.

P.S. Feel free to forward this email to anyone who may be interested in joining this event.

Much love and many blessings,



Cosmic Fire 2024 Opening Ceremony – Grandmother Jyoti Ma

Practicing Shamanism in a Modern Day World – Sandra Ingerman

Bowing at the Altar of Inspiration – Laura Dawn

From Plant to Spirit: The Shipibo Path to Spiritual Awakening – Elio Geusa

Wild Willing Wisdom: When to Paddle, When to Rest, and When to Jump Naked into the River of Life – Heather Ash Amara

Awakening the Now: The Role of Shamanic Wisdom in our Current Time – Itzhak Beery

Remembering our Interconnectedness with the Earth and Sky and all of Life – Heather Ensworth

OriVisions: Understanding Universal Consciousness through a Cultural Lens – Yeye Luisah Teish

Ceremony and Life: The Source of a Continual Waking Up – Wolf Marinez

Ancient Irish Goddess Wisdom: Preserving the Lineage for us Today – Karen Ward

Sophia Rising: Opening our Hearts to Awaken the Wisdom Within – Patricia Aywan Lehman

The Neolithic Goddess Cultures: Our Sacred Connection to the Primordial Mother – Jocelyn Star Feather

Every Initiation is a Death and a Rebirth – Christina Allen

Awakening or Remembering? About Magical Consciousness and Ancestral Wisdom Teachings – Imelda Almqvist

First the Sleep, Then the Awakening: The Importance of Dreaming and Visions to a Fuller Understanding of Our Path – John ‘Crow’ MacKinnon

Learning from Water – Giihlgiigaa Todd DeVries

Choosing to Walk the Medicine Path – Magaly Quispe Singona and Nelida Vilca Huaman

Gaia’s Call and Cosmic Wisdom: Awakening to Your Soul Purpose in a Time of Cosmic Revolution – Marie Mbouni

Preserving The Wisdom of Curanderismo for Ours and Seven Generations Forward – Erika Buenaflor

Thirteen Years with a Maya Shaman – Rosita Arvigo

From the Eye of the Storm, Embracing Dismemberment for True Healing – Renee Baribeau

The Shamanic Calling – Ahamkara

Shamanic Journeying: An Ancient Science for Personal and Planetary Evolution – Evelyn Rysdyk

Bridging Into the New Era – Carola Esparza

Awakening What’s Within You – Joan Parisi Wilcox

The Maasai Path: Old Wisdom for Future Generations – Cornelia Wallner-Frisee & Lesse Laizer

Weaving a Rainbow of Aloha: Departing on the Sacred Journey of Light – Lei’ohu Ryder

Phantia Qolla: The feminine mystical wisdom of the Q’ero – Elizabeth B Jenkins

Ñust’as & Ñust’a Paqos: The Female Wisdom Lineage of Q’ero – Doña Agustina Ccapa Champi and Doña Monica Q’espi Flores

The Inka: The Culture of Light – Don Jorge Luis Delegado

Tribal Trust, Indigenous Wisdom, Medicine for Body Mind and Spirit – Barbara Savage

Tending to the Taproot of our Human Family Tree – Mary Olivar

The Indigenous Ceremonial Change Process: A Life of Service – Patricia Anne Davis

Connecting with Primal Indigenous Wisdom: The Original Medicine which Will Never Change – Dr. David Cumes


The Tribal Trust Foundation is located in the unceded homelands of the Chumash People and the Seminole Tribe of Florida. By recognizing these communities, we attempt to honor their legacies, their lives, and descendants. To learn more about the Indigenous People’s land on which your home or work sits, visit:

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