Love Is a Verb 🌀

Marilyn O'MalleyBhutan, Board Members, Indigenous People, Ireland, Mongolia, Newsletter, Travel with TTF, WisdomLeave a Comment

Adrain Xopan

“Teach us love, compassion, and honor that we may heal the Earth and heal each other.” This quote is often attributed to the Native American Indigenous Ojibwa people and it feels fitting to share it in this month of February.

It is also a time in history in which our one planet Earth, and all who live here, are hurting and are sorely in need of more love, from those impacted by the recent wildfires in Los Angeles, to the ongoing destruction of sacred lands and ancient ways from the Amazon to Bhutan, and those who work to protect them. We at The Tribal Trust Foundation are honored to support and preserve Indigenous traditions that maintain, and help to restore, living in harmony with nature and each other.


This month, we invite you to join us in supporting Indigenous Elders, such as we are doing with Adrain Xopan, pictured above. The TTF has provided funding for him to attend the Tikal Convergence, taking place in the Lake Peten Itza Biosphere Reserve area near Tikal, Guatemala from February 21-26, 2025. As shared by Don Alejandro, spiritual leader of the Mayans, who on his deathbed, requested this gathering to take place to fulfill the prophecies of unification.

This gathering will unite Indigenous elders and wisdom keepers from North, South and Central America in an effort to deepen collaboration in preserving both the environment and ancestral wisdom.



In January, our Board of Directors gathered for a retreat in Northern Santa Barbara County, on the unceded lands of the Coastal Bands of the Chumash Nation. We were graciously hosted by El Capitan Resort. Led by TTF Advisor Art Cisneros, a Chumash Elder, fire keeper, and past TTF Board member, we began the day with prayer, gratitude, and a visualization exercise with Diane Mitchel, which helped us dream into the future of a better world and what role the TTF can continue to serve. Kimberly Pinkson concluded our morning activities by leading us on a memorable mindful “Listening Walk” in the canyon, listening to the wisdom of the land and its original inhabitants.
During the Board retreat, we affirmed our commitment to programming that weaves together stories and traditions that support Indigenous peoples in preserving their culture and wisdom ways, propelling a regenerative future for all.

This vision was further affirmed at the recent Sundance Film Festival in Utah, when Oglala Lakota tribe member Jesse Short Bull talked about storytelling, not only as a means to preserve and share wisdom through the generations but also, he said, “Because you must take people with you and make them feel a part of the story.”

So thank you for sharing the journey with us and being part of our story.


As a member of our global village, you have the opportunity to travel with us on unique Tribal Trust Foundation experiences. You are invited to consider joining us in:


Thank you again for your ongoing collaboration and support so that we may live love as a verb together. I am especially grateful to our TTF Board Members and Advisors who have committed another year of their time and energy to our mission! Please join them in supporting the work of the Tribal Trust Foundation.

As always, please contact me with any questions at I look forward to hearing from you.


Barbara Savage
Founder & Executive Director
Tribal Trust Foundation


The Tribal Trust Foundation is located in the unceded homelands of the Chumash People and the Seminole Tribe of Florida. By recognizing these communities, we attempt to honor their legacies, their lives, and descendants. To learn more about the Indigenous People’s land on which your home or work sits, visit:

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